Ancient Astronomy
Cultures and the Cosmos

Ancient astronomy is not just history, some of the discoveries made centuries ago still play a great role in modern day science!

The universe wasn't always understood as well as it is today. Many ancient cultures were curious about the sky and studied the cosmos just as we do now, but their explanations for the stars were much different.

Some cultures, such as the Egyptians, believed the stars were spirits or Gods. Most ancient astronomers also believed that the Earth was flat, not spherical, and they had little to no concept of physics.

Even though most of these ancient theories were incorrect, some of the information gathered turned out to be quite accurate, and the study of ancient astronomy has greatly contributed to our current understanding of the universe.

History of Astronomy

Each of the following cultures made many great discoveries and contributed to the growing science of astronomy. We would not be as knowledgeable today if they weren't around to help:

- Babylonian
- Egyptian
- Greek
- Indian
- Chinese
- Mayan
- Aztec
- Islamic
- Medieval European
- 19th/20th Century

The history of astronomy is a fun way to see how science has evolved over the centuries. Each culture is interesting for different reasons. I wonder what knowledge we have now will be considered primitive in the future!

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